Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Basics of Me

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
~ Dr. Seuss  

I don't know why I find myself at my computer desk right now, blogging away. I've never blogged, nor did I ever imagine myself doing so. I guess that would be because my life really isn't that interesting. My life is fairly routine, I have school, work, and the time in between is spent on the computer, doing homework, or sleeping. But still, I do find myself here, at this moment, typing my thoughts. I suppose if anyone cared - though, my thought process tells me otherwise - I would start with the basics of me.
I was born in Florida on Nov. 30th 1991 (to spare you the math, that leaves me with 17 years on my belt.) For the first few years of my life, I lived in Florida. The only thing significant that happened there would be hurricane Andrew. I don't think my grandmother's house made it out alive (that's where I was living with my parents). I don't quite remember Florida, so I'll leave it at that. After hurricane Andrew, we made our way to Kentucky, where my dad's parents lived. Once again, that part of my life draws a blank. Finally, something I can remember, Okinawa, Japan.

My dad works for the Air Force, so with his constant moving, my family and I made our way to Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa was a good place for me, I started school there, I made my first memorable friends there, and life was, for once, good there. To sum up my life in Okinawa would take far too long, so as to keep this the "Basics" I don't think I'll go too into detail about it. Anywho, from there we made our way to Azores, Portugal. Azores, a very very very small island in the middle of the Atlantic, though unbeknownst to most, is known very well to me. Azores holds monumental moments for me in my life, and such as Okinawa, the time to type about it would be fairly lengthy. If I ever find the time, I would certainly enjoy blogging about it some other time. 

After a year and a half in Azores, my parents split up. My mom, sister, and I went back to Kentucky. After many moves in Kentucky, my family finally finds itself in a suitable apartment. And so, here I am, at the computer typing away, hoping somehow this will help me in times of both need and boredom. And with that, I believe I will post my first blog. 

1 comment:

  1. History. I like it.
    Learning more about you. I like that too.
